Advaita Ashrama Online Donations
  • Publication & Educational Building

    Construction of New Building at Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata

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Advaita Ashrama is a branch of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math. It was founded by Swami Vivekananda in 1899 at Mayavati in the Himalayas. It is the premier publication house of the Ramakrishna Order. The purpose of starting this Ashrama was to spread the message of Advaita Vedanta all over the world for the well-being of the entire human race. For the last 123 years Advaita Ashrama has been doing this work dedicatedly and in silence. Advaita Vedanta is the core ideology of Hindu Dharma.

During his lifetime, Swami Vivekananda spread the universal message of Hindu Dharma all over the world. After he left his mortal coil, his message was carried all over the globe by the books published by Advaita Ashrama. The most important publication of Advaita Ashrama is The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, which has impacted the world thought deeply and set in a new trend heading towards a spiritual and humanistic world order.


As the conducting of the publication work of Advaita Ashrama used to be extremely challenging from Mayavati in the Himalayas, in 1920 the work was shifted to a small house in Kolkata at College Street market. From there it changed places a few times before it settled down at 5 Dehi Entally Road in 1960. For the last 62 years the publication work has been going on from this place.

But in the recent decades, with the phenomenal increase in the quantum of work, we have been facing acute shortage of space for conducting our activity efficiently. All the aspects of Ashrama work are seriously hampered by this space crunch. The Ashrama sales counter needs a larger space to properly display its new publications. At present it operates in an area less than 200 sq.ft. The books are presently stored in temporary sheds which need constant repairs to withstand the vagaries of nature. The editors, proofreaders,

designers and the technical personnel of various departments need due space for effectively carrying out their respective tasks. Hence arose the dire need to construct a new building in the adjacent plot of land (36 Ananda Palit Road) belonging to us.

            Present Sales Counter

One of the Temporary Sheds

One of the Temporary Sheds

           Books Stacked in a Shed


This new building is going to be a ground-plus-six-storied structure. It will have a vast area for stocking of printed books and publication related activities. Every department will have its individual office space. There will be a spacious sales section, a 400-seat auditorium to hold regular classes for the benefit of all, a beautiful meditation hall for devotees and visitors, a monks quarters, a staff quarters, a quarters for guest devotees, and rooms to conduct educational and related activities for the youth.

An Architect’s Impression of the New Building of Advaita Ashrama


 The estimated cost of this project is rupees 42 crores. With the help of the donations of large hearted devotees and well-wishers we have been able to collect till now around rupees 17 crores. With this collected money the construction work has been commenced. The foundation stone for the construction of this building was laid on 30 March 2022. Now, to complete the work we need further rupees 25 crores (approximately).

We therefore appeal to all the devotees and admirers of Swami Vivekananda to come forward and help us complete this project by making donations to whatever extent possible. Your contribution to further this global mission of Swami Vivekananda will be a great service rendered by you in furtherance of the cause of Hindu Dharma, our culture and civilisation, and our motherland Bharat. We expect the project to be completed within three years.

Yours in the Divine,

Swami Shuddhidananda



“ They alone live who live for others.
Rest are more dead than alive.”

​-Swami Vivekananda

Foundation Stone of the New Building

Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony Video

The foundation stone of the new building of Advaita Ashrama at 36 Ananda Palit Road, Kolkata, was laid on 30 March 2022 at 10:00 am.

The stone, sanctified by Most Revered President Maharaj, Srimat Swami Smarananandaji, was laid by Revered Swami Bodhasarananda, Assistant General Secretary, Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, and all the other monks.

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